A bridge can fill a gap in your smile, whether your tooth has been lost in an accident or been extracted. They allow you to eat, speak and smile again freely and with confidence.
Bridges use the teeth on either side of the gap to support the replacement tooth. Crowns are fitted over the natural teeth, with the false tooth a bridge between them. They can be made from a variety of materials, including metals, porcelain and Emax and Zirconia.
During your initial appointment, we will make sure that the teeth that will support the bridge are healthy and strong.
The supporting teeth will be prepared by removing a layer of enamel. We will take impressions of your teeth so your bridge can be custom-made for you.
Once your custom-made bridge is ready, we will check and adjust it to ensure it fits perfectly. Your temporary bridge will be removed and the new one fixed into place using strong dental cement.
Excellent oral hygiene is very important to ensure the longevity of your bridge. You will need to clean under the false tooth, as well as brushing and flossing regularly.
If your bridge is well looked after, including keeping the surrounding teeth healthy, it can last for over ten years.